Case study

Ask a Doctor

Instant Access from Doctors 24x7.

ask a doctor tablet app

Transforming Health and Wellness

Ask a Doctor is revolutionizing the way people communicate with doctors by making it easy for users to connect with medical professionals to get their most pressing questions answered fast.

Client challenge

Expanding from Web into Mobile

The founders of Ask a Doctor already had a successful web version of the product but realized they needed to create a mobile version in order to fully bring their vision to life. Unfortunately they did not have the mobile expertise available in-house to complete the project.

ask a doctor app on phones
Core features

Speeding Time to Market

ThinkApps provided Ask a Doctor with the engineering talent they needed to build their Android app from scratch as well as rebuilding their initial iOS app. The ThinkApps team was able to complete the projects quickly, allowing Ask a Doctor to launch much faster than if they had tried to hire mobile developers in-house.

ask a doctor app icon with ios icon wireframes around
What the app achieves

Access to Doctors – Anytime, Anywhere

The mobile app allows you to write your health query, attach a picture or your latest lab report and post to doctors across the world in just a few taps. Doctors have provided more than a million answers so far.

Global Network

Supported by a community of over 15,000 doctors from around the world

On Demand

One hundred or more doctors are available at any given time


Doctors span more than 50 specialties including alternative medicine

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How long is someone infectious after a viral infection?

Mike Myers 1 attachment
  • photo of Dr. Samuel Grief, MD
    Dr. Samuel Grief, MD
    General physician
  • photo of Dr. Matthew Mintz, MD
    Dr. Matthew Mintz, MD
    General physician
  • photo of Dr. Merissa Mayer, DO
    Dr. Merissa Mayer, DO
    General physician
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